Vojtech Kubasta: Czech Children’s Pop-Up Book Engineer

The Grolier Club in New York City hosted the exhibit “Pop-Ups From Prague: A Centennial Celebration of the Graphic Artistry of Vojtech Kubasta” covering his work from the 1920s to the 1980s. His children’s pop-up books were translated into over 30 languages and 10 million books were printed, according to the New York Times article “A Wizard Who Made Art Jump Off the Page“.  Vojtech Kubasta (1914-1992) is known for his characters Tip and Top (and their dog Tap) featured in his 1960s series that included Tip and Top Build a Motorcar and Tip and Top on the Moon.

Pop-Ups from Prague sign


Pop up display

TipandTop display

Birth greeting card

Sun pop up


Grolier Club entrance








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